Maelstrom at the European Ocean Days
The MAELSTROM team took part in the European Ocean Days held in Brussels from March 4th to 8th. This event offered a platform to showcase our project’s technologies, innovative recycling processes, and policy work.

The MAELSTROM team took part in the European Ocean Days held in Brussels from March 4th to 8th. This event offered a platform to showcase our project’s technologies, innovative recycling processes, and policy work. MAELSTROM was primarily represented in:
- Matchmaking Event for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030, an event which aimed to facilitate the uptake and replication of solutions to implement the Mission Ocean and Waters, with a particular focus on supporting Charter signatories for the deployment of the Mission.
- 2nd Annual Forum of the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters, focusing at taking stock of the Mission’s progress and major achievements, at mobilising relevant actors around key Mission deliverables and at preparing the ground for the next phase of the Mission, moving from demonstration to deployment. MAELSTROM was present also with a booth where visitors had the opportunity to interact with prototypes of our Bubble Barrier and Robotic Seabed Cleaning Platform, developed respectively by our partners The Great Bubble Barrier and Tecnalia. In addition to these marine litter removal prototypes, we have also demonstrated the functionality of the MAELSTROM App and showcased samples of recycled marine litter, derived from innovative processes developed by our partner Gees Recycling srl.
- Where next for Europe’s Seas at the European Ocean Days, a reflection and discussion moment that did not only consider policy needs, but also the wider global, economic, technological, and social transformations that are occurring within Europe and beyond, bringing together, as a whole, the broad range of stakeholders involved in all relevant EU and international policy initiatives relating to Europe’s seas and maritime activities. MAELSTROM has participated at the event under the thematic breakout session dedicated to society in which, Professor Isabel Sousa Pinto from our partner CIIMAR / CIMAR Associate Laboratory moderated a session on the evolution of societies in Europe’s Coastal Regions and communities, including fisheries, aquaculture, other sustainable #blueeconomy sectors, research, and academia, within the broader context of the evolution of European society, values, and challenges such as climate change.
Our team also presented a dedicated Project Poster during a session tailored to represent emblematic actions and future opportunities that could be scaled up in Member States.
The MAELSTROM team is delighted to have taken part and to have benefited from such an enriching experience. #EUOceanDays #MissionOcean!